Celebrating 10 Years of FUT!

Let's celebrate 10 years of FUT together. From this page you can access a FUT generations squad builder, see players history through FUT 10 - FUT 19 and convert a current FIFA 19 squad to a generations squad!

Use the search below to find a player, and see their entire FUT history from FUT 10 to FUT 19

Enter a FUTWIZ FIFA 19 squad url here, and it will convert your squad to the earliest possible versions of each item!

You can build your FIFA 19 squad by going to the squad builder

Convert Squad

Build a Generations Squad

Build a squad with our generations squad builder, featuring your favourite players

Take me there!

Vote For Your Favourite Player

Find your favourite FUT player across any FIFA using our search, and click the Vote As Best FUT Item button.

Voting Leaderboard