FUTWIZ Dylan FC 24 In Game Settings

Set up your game like a pro

by Dcampbell20_ - Team FUTWIZ Pro, 2021 eWorld Cup Finalist, 2022 E-League Champion

In EA FC 24 settings play a huge part in our gameplay. Some little changes to them can drastically change your gameplay. We asked our pro player Dylan to show his settings and explain why he chose those exact options.

As a Pro player he has to use “Competitive” preset by restrictions, which changes most of his settings. He’ll run through them right now. A lot of settings are the same, as previous years, but there are a couple of new settings that Dylan will explain to us what they are and what he’s chosen for his settings.

Dylan's In Game Settings

Shot assistance has a different option of “Precision” shooting this year, but Dylan definitely suggest using shooting on “Assisted”. For him the cost kind of outweighs the benefit of precision. Timed finishing is on, it’s staple over the last few years.

Passing options Dylan is using are mostly by default what’s given to him by EA. So through passes and lob through passes on semi assisted, ground pass, cross and lob assistance on “Assisted”. Pass Receiver lock on “Late” and new setting “Precision Pass sensitivity” on Normal, as Dylan feels like it’s not a very important setting.

Dylan's In Game Settings

Dylan's In Game Settings

In defense he recommends using Directional on “Clearance assistance”, this way you can clear the ball in any direction you want, so if you’re holding your left stick towards the left sideline then you press “circle” – your defender will clear it to the left side.

Defending is a big one. Probably the biggest change to the in game settings this year – advance defending. Now, by default, it’s tactical defending, however Dylan definitely suggests using “advanced”. This way it gives you a lot more control over exactly what you want to do with your defender. So instead of just holding or pressing “circle” to tackle, advanced defending gives you pretty much 2 options. You press “circle” if you wanna tackle or you press “X” if you want to attempt a shoulder challenge, so to go shoulder to shoulder with the attacker. This is proven to be quite effective early on in the game, so Dylan definitely recommends using “Advanced defending” this year and making the most out of that “X” option that you have.

Dylan's In Game Settings

Pass block assistance Dylan has “on”.

For auto switching Dylan turned “on air balls and loose balls”, auto switching move assistance he has on “none”. Right stick switching is classic. Setting “right stick switching sensitivity” is relatively new, on the previous versions of the game the default would’ve been on 4, so if over the years you’ve become quite familiar with right stick switching and quite comfortable – Dylan suggests leaving it on 4. Him, personally, wanting a bit more precision with exactly who he wants to switch to, so he ups that by 1, but it’s up to you on this setting. Next Player Switching on “Classic”, Player lock he got turned “on”, once again, this year very good mechanics, so Dylan highly recommends having that turned on.“Icon Switching” is off.

Dylan's In Game Settings

Dylan uses “Orbit dribbling”, so he got it “On”.

Dylan's In Game Settings

Only difference from default settings is that Dylan uses Analog Sprint, as he’s quite big on dribbling, so he likes having control over how fast he wants to sprint. But if you want to go just maximum speed every time you hold a sprint button – turn this off.

Dylan's In Game Settings

These are very simple, but effective tactics, so we hope that these settings will help you explore more stuff in your gameplay and maybe you’ll find something very effective.