Marquee Matchups Predictions - June 12th

Post time 08/06/2018 06:47pm 08/06/2018 06:47pm by Tillian | Predictions

Hey guys, it’s Tillian and it’s Marquee Matchups predictions!

It’s time for World Cup.

Hardest matchups to predict, but let’s try.

Tier 1: Very likely matches:

Portugal vs Spain
This looks the highlight of 1st round. Iberian Derby

Most likely requirements:

-2 players from both nations
-Overall rating of 78
-80 chemistry

What to invest to: Well. Portugal players from Spanish League and Spanish Players from Portugal League
Worth investing? Buying Spanish players from Portugal League might be the best choice.

Russia vs Saudi Arabia

Opening match, I see that it’s one of the more obvious picks out there.

Most likely requirements:

-1 player from each nation
-Overall rating of 76
-80 chemistry

What to invest to: It’s hard to invest in nations with many players everywhere, just buy to be safe
Worth investing? As I stated above – just buy to be safe

Germany vs Mexico
Both are quite good teams. One might be better than the other. I’m joking. It’s really big match tho.

Most likely requirements

-2 players from both nations
-Overall rating of 77
-80 chemistry

What to invest to: Again. It’s hard to invest in nations, but there are quite few Mexicans in Bundesliga
Worth investing? Ye, I’d invest in someone like Marco Fabian.

Tier 2. Medium matches
Brazil vs Switzerland
Another great match in 1st round of fixtures.
Most likely requirements:

-2 Players from each nation
-Team overall 75+
-Overall Chemistry 85+
-At least 3 rares

What to invest to: I wouldn’t invest in anyone, I’d buy few players from those nations to be safe

Worth investing? As I said above

France vs Australia
2 great teams and 1 interesting match. I think it has a chance to be featured in it, but the % is lower.

Most likely requirements

-1 player from each team
-Overall rating of 76
-80 chemistry

What to invest to: Again. It’s really hard to predict if this match will count or not. Just buy 2 players from each nation to be safe
Worth investing? I’d buy few gold from those nations.

Poland vs Senegal
Probably one of the more interesting matches for me in 1st round.

Most likely requirements:

-1 player from both teams
-Overall rating of 70
-90 chemistry

What to invest to: Not a safe investment by any means, so let’s just buy 2 players here and there
Worth investing? I wouldn’t invest your coins in this matchup.

Argentina vs Iceland.
Last big match of this bunch of fixtures

Most likely requirements:

-1 player from both nations
-Overall rating of 74
-80 chemistry

What to invest to: I’d buy few Icelandic players to be safe.
Worth investing? No, but safe buying should work.

Tier 3. Probably not.
There are ton of matches that can be featured in MMs, I just gave my thoughts on who’ll make it.

I hope this time we’ll do bits and you’ll be able to do MMs cheap and actually make some profit!

1 suggestion to you- sell your investments, just before actual SBC released

Make some coins!