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My Statistics

Games Played

Played: 5
Wins: 4 (80.00%)
Losses: 0
Draws: 1

Scoring Stats

Goals: 18
Shots: 39
Shots on Target: 26 (66.67%)
Goals from Shots: 46.15%
Goals from Target: 69.23%
Goals/Game: 3.60
Conceded§/Game: 0.60
Average Shots/Game: 8
Average Target/Game: 5
Converted Corners: 1 (0.2/game)
Converted FKs: 0 (0.0/game)
Converted Pens: 0 (0.0/game)

Match Stats

Avg Pass Accuracy: 67.60%
Avg Possession: 40.60%
Total Tackles: 69 (13.8/game)
Total Corners: 11 (2.2/game)
Fouls: 7 (1.4/game)
Yellow Cards: 1 (0.2/game)
Red Cards: 0 (0.0/game)
Penalties for: 0 (0.0/game)
Hit the post: 1 (0.2/game)
GK Saves: 12 (2.4/game)

Opponent Statistics
Goal Times
Game Data