The best way to use R1/RB Dribbling

Add the powerful controlled sprint to your game

by Dcampbell20_ - Team FUTWIZ Pro, 2021 eWorld Cup Finalist, 2022 E-League Champion

A new mechanic in EAFC 24 is the ability to use “controlled sprint” also known as R1/RB dribbling depending on your console. This is the in-between of walking and sprinting in game and your player keeps the ball close to him making it easier to dribble round your opponents.

This is 100% something we recommend adding to your game due to how powerful it is proving to be in the early stages of FC 24. It’s extremely good for maneuvering in the midfield, beating defenders when they are static and taking the ball down the line looking to create that opportunity on goal.

Who can use R1/RB Dribbling?
Theoretically every card in the game can use it but the players that excel most at it are people who have the Technical Playstyle and even better the Technical Playstyle+.

Technical+ is the main reason we are seeing a rise in the use of more nimble midfielders such as Aitana Bonmati, Bernardo Silva and the special Trailblazers Jude Bellingham card as having the ability to move the ball quickly in midfield is how you are going to open up more space for the pass to your strikers to create chances on goal.

Onto some in-game examples of where to use R1/RB Dribbling.

As you can see here Dylan gets the ball on the edge of the box with Putellas.

FC 24 R1/RB Dribbling

He then moves on to use the controlled sprint through the defense creating an easy cut back for Mbappe to tap in

FC 24 R1/RB Dribbling

Dylan’s favorite place to use controlled sprint is down the wing and around the byline.

FC 24 R1/RB Dribbling

Dylan has made his way down the wing using R1/RB Dribbling and has found himself in this position. From here he works his way down the byline and cuts back inside making the most of the controlled sprint and leaving the defenders behind creating an easy goal for Leao to tuck away.

FC 24 R1/RB Dribbling

We can’t begin to explain the importance of adding the controlled sprint to your game in FC24. Very overpowered as we talk about it now and after the first big patch of the year we have seen no change to its power. As always we recommend you try this out in the Arena to get a nice feeling and understanding of it as it isn’t as easy as Dylan makes it look! Once you feel comfortable head back into FC Ultimate Team and you should see a change for the better in your gameplay!